vendredi 28 mai 2010

Intermuse. SAGE. Partenaire

School Association for Global Education was founded and registered in 1990 as a free, independent association of teachers, students and parents. It has been functioning for over 27 years now. The Association is a voluntary alliance of people subscribing to the ideas of peace, international understanding and co-operation, irrespective of age, gender, political views or ethnicity. The Association aims to promote the vision of a civil society, respect for human rights and basic freedoms, environmental awareness, international understanding and peace. The Association seeks co-operation with schools associated with UNESCO, Council of Europe networks for school links and exchanges, movements like “Teachers for Peace”, and NGOs whose activities conform to the aims of SAGE. The Association has a Centre for Alternative Education, and accomplishes its activities via school clubs, a School Coordinators’ Council, a Club for Intellectual and Creative Communication for senior citizens – teachers. The Association works in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science, the Rousse Municipality, the Regional Inspectorate of Education, the Bistra and Galina Foundation and others. At present the Association comprises over three hundred members – students, teachers, parents and public persons from Rousse region. The local network comprises 16 schools of all educational levels and profiles. School Association SAGE has built school networks on the international, regional and national levels and accomplishes projects to complement and give richer dimensions to mainstream school education. Students work in School Discussion Clubs, where they plan their work within the framework and guidelines of a project.


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