vendredi 28 mai 2010

Intermuse. Méthodologie

The methodology will have the following structure:

1. each participating class goes through an intensive training provided by a specialist on the designing interactive multimedia games
2. the pupils then organise themselves by groups and explore the local museum in order to produce a game of type “treasure hunting” inspired by the content of the museum and by what they learn about the cultural diversity in the past and the present of their local community
3. classes exchange DVDs and try to find the solutions to each other’s game
4. in a videoconference they exchange with their partners ideas about their experience of producing and solving the games
5. each class reflects on the whole learning experience.

The implementation of this methodology requires close cooperation of at least the English language teacher and the technology/computers teacher in the school, and of them with a museum specialist. The pedagogical background of this approach is represented by the socio-constructivism at the methodology is a combination of experiential learning, cooperative learning and project-based learning, all within the background principles of intercultural learning.

In order to achieve the objectives and deliver the expected outcomes the active participation of teachers and students is essential. Besides this, our partnership also allows us to take advantage of the specific experience of museum specialists and of the experience of NGO trainers with experience in promoting intercultural education.

In order to provide good quality products useful for further dissemination and exploitation, it is also essential to pass through a phase of first test of the envisaged methodology, produce draft versions of the videogames and allow teachers and museum specialists to provide feedback and suggestions, while developing their skills and knowledge for an effective use in the next stage of the project.

Therefore, once the first experiments completed and the detailed methodology revised, a piloting can take place, with the same teachers but with other pupils, in order to produce the videogames. This time also the next phases of the process (solving the games of the others, videoconferences and reflection) can be completed. It is only when the whole process has been successfully completed that a team of representatives of partner institutions can analyse the results and produce the content of the Methodology DVD. The last phases of the project focus on dissemination and exploitation, key parts of the project.

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